Questions About Estate Planning? Find Out More!

The Alton Senior Center

The Alton Senior Center

Alton, Mo. – Estate planning isn’t fun to think about, but failing to plan isn’t an option!  This course looks at a fictional family who does absolutely no estate planning.  As unexpected life events occur for our fictional family, we see some of the unintended consequences that can happen.  We then look at the tools within an estate planner’s toolbox, and once we have a basic understanding of the tools, we apply those tools to our fictional family to see how they might have changed their situation.

Ultimately, each participant should leave with an understanding of the importance of creating and periodically evaluating or updating your estate plan.

Here in Alton, the University of Missouri is hosting an estate class to assist you with planning and updates.

When Is This?

The class takes place June 4, 2024, between 9:30 and 11:00 am.

Where Is This?

The class is at the Alton Senior Center, 204 S. Main Street, next to the post office.

Online or in person?

This is an in-person class. Feel free to interrupt and ask questions as they go along.

Who Can Attend?

Anyone can attend. However, please register beforehand here.


There is no cost to attend the class.


For additional questions or concerns, please get in touch with Jennifer Williams,, 573-323-4418.

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