Incumbent Jason Kemper Lists Political Accomplishments

Alton, Mo. – At Saturday’s Republican Meet-And-Greet, incumbent Jason Kemper came prepared. He had a long list of what he had already accomplished as associate county commissioner of District 1. Then, he itemized his goals for the next term. He is running for reelection as associate county commissioner for District 1.


Kemper is a family man with a supporting wife and adult children in attendance.


First, he commented on how he and others are working in the Myrtle area after the recent tornado. Then, he specified the work he oversees. He replaced the courthouse roof, as it had been flapping. They also had tuckpointing done on the courthouse. They handled much-needed repairs to the heating and blower system. That alone saves taxpayers $1200-$1300 per month!



He is currently looking into a pothole repair mixture. Although rather costly up front, it will last years longer than the current mixture. He can move the funds saved on courthouse repairs toward this project. He hopes to test the mixture near Couch’s Byrd Freewill Baptist Church.

Poultry Raising

Next, Kemper spoke on eight poultry barns for the county. Along with that will be a poultry processing plant. He aims to help the citizens of Oregon County save money and live better.

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