Homeschool Robotics Team Honored At Capitol

Different famous homeschooler posters at the Homeschooling 101 Enrichment Day on January 28, 2023.

Different famous homeschooler posters at the Homeschooling 101 Enrichment Day on January 28, 2023.

A team of homeschoolers has such a remarkable winning record in robotics that they were invited to the Capitol to be honored. This Kansas homeschool group has won first place in the last three years [1]. That is quite an accomplishment.


Like most homeschool families, this robotic team began twenty-five years ago. Parents encourage their children to follow their natural interests. This year’s team begins in August, getting their orders for the next competition. Like many school clubs, the homeschooled high schoolers choose officers and leaders. Then they begin the work.

Benefits of Homeschooling

While some homeschool families do not have all of the resources of public schools, together, they make a worthy team. The students can put in 20-30 hours a week planning, solving problems, and working on marketing. They each have their own tasks as a team, yet they work together to accomplish the big goal.

For funding, students gain sponsorship from businesses interested in helping these students pursue robotics.


For five straight years, the team has won Wichita’s BEST meet. For three straight years, the team has won in Denver, where seven states compete against each other. Kansas House of Representatives honored the group. Then, they were honored with a visit to the nation’s Capitol.


  1. ^ {Robotics Team Honored at Capitol for Legacy of Winning} (go back  ↩)

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