If President, Trump Promises Largest Deportation

Donald Trump Speaking.

Donald Trump Speaking.

Are you tired of people not obeying the law? Of certain individuals who get by with crime while true citizens get convicted and serve jail time? Are you tired of hearing about large-scale crime in major cities at major department stores? Most Americans are, too. That is why President Trump promised if elected, that he would enact the largest deportation in American history of all those people who are coming here illegally and have no intention of following our laws.

On January 27, 2024, Trump expressed his concern over the border war between Biden and Texas. He said,

Within moments of my inauguration, we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in America [1].

Trump went on to say his thoughts on Joe Biden’s treatment of our country,

What Joe Biden is doing is a crime against our nation, it’s a betrayal of our country, and it’s an atrocity against our Constitution [2].

In the same speech, he commended Governor Abbot and Texas for rightly invoking the invasion clause of the U.S. Constitution. He then called on each state to send the National Guard to the border to help Texas in their stopping of the invasion.



  1. ^ {Trump Promises Largest Deportation Effort in US History – Todd Starnes} (go back  ↩)
  2. ^ {Trump Promises Largest Deportation Effort in US History – Todd Starnes} (go back  ↩)

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