Representative Smith Compares Costs From Now To A Year Ago

money, dollar bills

money, dollar bills

Representative Jason Smith is working hard in Washington DC to thwart the leftist agenda of raising our taxes and saying that everything is fine. Causing many distractions and fake news seems to be the new norm for many politicians.

What Is The Cost Differences?

However, Representative Smith did some research. Contrary to what the White House says, our holiday celebrations Do cost more than a year ago. He tweeted the breakdown of the more common items. Besides knowing that your paycheck is not going as far this year as last, these figures proves how much less each American family has to spend to celebrate our Independence Day holiday.

Overall Costs

On June 17, 2022, Smith noted that the average Missouri household will spend and average of $7,951 more over the next year. In May alone,

President Biden’s inflation cost Missouri families $663 a month- about the same as a monthly payment on a new pickup truck [1].

Although economic experts warn that inflation is on the way for America, Biden and the Democrats continue spending. Since coming to office, inflation rose 12.2% under Biden. Most voters are looking for relief as elections draw closer.


  1. ^ (go back  ↩)

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