Two Local Authors Have Published A New Book, Gourmet Weeds

Gourmet Weeds book

Donna (Cygnet) Brown and Kerry Kelley, both of Alton, Missouri, have published their first book- Ozark Grannies’ Secrets, Gourmet Weeds. They’ve arranged a book signing for Wednesday, May 24, 2023.

Buy The Book

The book is live now on Amazon, Walmart, Barnes & Noble, and other outlets in paperback and ebook forms. Gourmet Weeds will be available as an eBook on April 23, 2023, and on bookstore shelves beginning April 30, 2023. On most Saturdays from 9:00 am to noon, either Donna Brown or Kerry Kelley will have books for sale at the Oregon County Farmers Market.

The Book

Ozark Grannies’ Secrets LLC, a new Missouri Ozarks company, has published a book by Cygnet Brown and Kerry Kelley who are spilling the beans about foraged foods with the release of their first book Ozark Grannies’ Secrets, Gourmet Weeds. Gourmet Weeds provides information about forageable foods, recipes using those foods, and stories you might hear around an Ozark dinner table.

Gourmet Weeds shares information about forageable greens, fruits, vegetables, and nuts recipes and stories about the Ozarks and is sure to resonate with millennials and Gen Z audiences who want to learn the skills of past generations and how to apply them today. This book offers a new approach to Ozark cooking and foraging and how to easily incorporate them into everyday cooking using everyday ingredients.

The book separates itself from other books of its kind in that it is written in a narrative format that makes this cookbook a one-of-a-kind story of the Ozarks, making it entertaining and useful.

A Good Word

Bo Brown, author of Foraging the Ozarks, Finding, Identifying, and Preparing Edible Wild Foods in the Ozarks said of Gourmet Weeds:

This book has a folksy writing style, stories, and recipes, it is a fun read.

Book Signing

They will have their debut book signing in Alton, Missouri, at the Court Square Café on Wednesday, May 24, from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Food and beverages will be available for purchase.  

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