George Washington Stood- Does Modern Times?

George Washington talking in front of the founding fathers.Editorial

George Washington talking in front of the founding fathers.

George Washington was an accomplished man. He was an owner of a plantation, the leader of the Continental Army, the President of the Constitutional Convention, and the first President of the United States. But what made him someone that people liked? One idea is that it is because of the values he had and the values he kept. Now, what about today? Modern-day is filled with things that the worst people back then would probably frown at, and at least say is wrong. What would George Washington, the ‘Father of our Country,’ say about us now?


George Washington was a man that valued honesty. He also recognized his own shortcomings. He said that the most enviable title of all titles is “the character of an honest man”. He knew the importance of honesty, and how much people wanted to trust others. In order to do that, they would need honesty, not an excuse. He said,

The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon [1].

He knew the Constitution had to be valued. It was something that protected not just his rights, but everyone’s rights.


Washington might not have been the smartest man in all the colonies, but at least he realized it. He set up cabinet positions to help him make decisions. He surrounded himself with people like John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton. Each was more educated than he. He went on to say,

Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the rest is in the hands of God [2].

Not only did he know that he was not the smartest, but he also knew that all of the problems that exist cannot be solved by man: God is needed.


In the modern day, it might seem that we are so much better than in the time of George Washington. But the thing that they had, and what we are lacking, is the love of God. In colonial times, even the most non-God-loving founding father would probably be completely religious by today’s standards. A Gallup poll from 2020, found that from 2000 to 2020 church memberships have steadily declined. This is showing us that people are becoming moralless and don’t keep their values. John Adams observed,

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people [3].

As we become less and less moral, the Constitution will not be able to work as it should. Washington would probably not recognize the country he helped found. We have lost values that we should have kept. We have accepted things that we should not.

Though the United States has accomplished much, it has lost its foundation. Even though George Washington gained glory and achievement, he still kept his values and remembered what was important.



  1. ^ (go back  ↩)
  2. ^ (go back  ↩)
  3. ^,Father%20to%20hold%20this%20view. (go back  ↩)

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