You Can Control Medical Records With Apple Health Feature

Apple implements health records.

Apple implements health records.

Apple has just released a health record feature for developers and researchers alike. Using this, one can put together a myriad of apps that use past health records to better manage your life. By using apps that manage medications, nutrition plans, diagnosed diseases and more. The Health Record feature has over five hundred hospitals and clinics listed that people can access their medical information from on their phone. Consumers can share their medical from multiple hospitals with their selected apps allowing the apps to better understand your health. The apps can list and alert you of medicine you need to take. They encourage better diet and, exercise based on diabetes lab results. There are some apps that provide nutritional planning. Other apps, with the patients permission, give doctors a better medical history by allowing access to your Health Records.


The Health Records is password protected by the same password as your iPhone. Consequently, when you send your medical information to apps, it does not go through Apple servers. As apple stated:

“Medical information may be the most important personal information to a consumer, and offering access to Health Records was the first step in empowering them. Now, with the potential of Health Records information paired with HealthKit data, patients are on the path to receiving a holistic view of their health,” said Jeff Williams, Apple’s chief operating officer. “With the Health Records API open to our incredible community of developers and researchers, consumers can personalize their health needs with the apps they use every day.” [1]


  1. ^Apple Newsroom. (2018). Apple opens Health Records API to developers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Sep. 2018]. (go back  ↩)

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