How Does Vitamin D Relate To The Coronavirus?

Spotted sunglasses.

Spotted sunglasses.

Vitamin D has long proven itself as an agent against cancer and other diseases. Back in November, studies were showing that the vitamin d levels in a person dramatically determines the outcome of the disease. Although the NIH (run by Fauci) did make a statement in April that vitamin d  is not encouraged nor discouraged in the treatment of covid [1]. However, newer studies have shown this information to be false.

Vitamin D3 Effects

Researchers in Spain concluded that those who were already in the hospital and received vitamin d3 fared significantly better that those without vitamin d. AS a matter of fact, British MP David Davis tweeted

The findings of this large and well conducted study should result in this therapy (vitamin d) being administered to every COVID patient in every hospital in the temperate latitudes [2].

Along with those findings, the United Kingdom’s National Health Service was offering free vitamin d supplements to persons at high risk for COVID-19 [3]. When hospitalized for covid recovery, persons who received the vitamin had a significantly shorter time for recovery.


More information continues to arrive regarding this vitamin and the disease. In Spain, those who received this vitamin had a much lower mortality rate than those who did not. In previous studies, researchers claimed that vitamin D has favorable effects both during the early stages of covid as well as the later stages. Even regular ‘booster’ doses of this vitamin seem to be effective in reducing mortality, especially in the elderly [4].


In contrast, the French Academy of Medicine recommends vitamin d testing o=in people over age 60. If deficient, they recommend a supplement. Those younger than 60 who test positive for COVID, they also recommend  taking 800-1,000 iu’s of this vitamin per day.

It is recommended that people at risk of influenza and/or covid consider taking 10,000 iu/d of vitamin d3 [5].

Altogether, other countries are getting data together that proves vitamin d is an aid in fighting this disease.



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