Culpepper & Merriweather Circus Is Coming To Alton On April 3rd

Culpepper & Merriweather Circus poster for 2023

Culpepper & Merriweather Circus poster for 2023

A nice way to relax and have fun in the evening with family and friends is by going to the circus. Only coming to Alton, Missouri, roughly every other year, the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus is once again coming to town on Monday, April 3, 2023, at Piney Creek Park.


The circus will be in town only one day, April 3rd, and will have two shows; one at 5:00 pm and one at 7:30 pm. The shows will be at Piney Creek Park on Highway 160.

The Morning

In the morning, at 9:30, individuals are encouraged to come and watch the circus tent get raised, learn about the animals, see the different animals, and learn about the show’s daily operation. [1] This is free to everyone.


Tickets before the day will be sold at Alton City Hall, Alton Bank, and Southern Bank, and online. In advance, tickets cost $13 for adults, $8 for kids 2-12 and seniors 65 and older. [2] Kids 2 and under can go free. On the day of, tickets cost $16 for adults and $9 for kids 2-12 and seniors.


The sponsor for the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus is the Alton Fire Department. Some of the proceeds will go to the sponsor.

Under the Top

Each show is 90 minutes long with many different acts, including Big Cats, tight rope, aerialists, foot juggling, horses, and much more. Tickets are general admission which means it’s first come, first serve. The tent opens up 20 minutes before the show.

Before the Show

Before the show, there will be different attractions to spend time at, including [3]bouncy houses, a 22-foot slide, pony rides, face painting, and a concession stand. Cash will be accepted at these different stands.

Next Saturday

On Saturday, March 24th, Skeeter the Clown will be at the Alton Harps. [4] There will be a drawing for advance children’s tickets while she’s there.

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