Creeks Swell in Low Lying Areas in Oregon County

Swelling Creek

Swelling Creek

Alton, Mo. – Oregon County’s rainy season runs from November through March, so we are right in the middle of it. So they have been getting a lot of rain lately. Creeks, rivers, and lakes have been rising rapidly, and there have been flash flood warnings all over the place. One place the swelling has been occurring in a creek on Highway M between Rover and Koshkonong. What was a calm creek is now a raging river with fallen down trees and water coming up on to the shore.

Swelling Creek

Approximately two and a half inches fell across a span of two days. Some places received up to 3 inches just last night. On January 10, Oregon County had strong winds, thunderstorms, and heavy rain. They even had tornado warnings until two in the morning. So be careful when you are driving around because some places may be flooded over and there may be some creeks or rivers that are swelled and it can be dangerous. Oregon County is also expecting more rain coming in today. [1]

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