Howell County Fair 2018- a Brief Rundown

Howell county fair.Community

Howell county fair.

Alton, Mo. – This year Oregon County did not have a county fair to the dismay of many residents. However, this year, in 2018, the neighboring Howell County did hold a county fair. They allowed all Oregon County citizens to participate alongside other adjoining county inhabitants. As one of the larger and centrally located counties in the area, Howell County is gracious to allow dwellers of surrounding counties to participate and compete in their fair. Our local Oregon County people could once again display their wares, talents, and agriculture commodities even though Oregon County didn’t hold a fair.


The Heart of the Ozarks Fairgrounds opened its gates July 16-21. During the day the grounds opened for special events on Tuesday and Saturday. Otherwise, the Heart of the Ozarks Fairgrounds was open every afternoon through the evening.


Livestock shows, which are a significant interest to the area, started the fair. Carnival rides commenced on Tuesday with special armband times throughout the week. A rodeo and tractor pull were evening highlights. The weather cooperated throughout the festivities, and Howell County enjoyed a great turnout.

All things being considered, Oregon County residents enjoyed themselves at this year’s fair almost as much as though the festival had been in our backyard.


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