Group Using Democracy Against Missouri To Pass Medicaid Amendment

No Missouri Medicaid Expansion InitiativeEditorial

No Missouri Medicaid Expansion Initiative

A group advocating for the expansion of Medicaid is using democracy against the state of Missouri by, in their own words, “putting political power directly into the hands of voters, we’re solving some of the most important economic and health care problems facing working families across the country. [1]” (In case you are thinking that’s a good thing, read the quotes below.)

The Fairness Project, is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization that was founded in 2015 to advocate raising the minimum wage in the United States through the ballot initiative process. It is now expanding its operations to expand Medicaid services in Missouri after a string of successes in other states.

Republic Good. Democracy Bad.

The Constitution of the United States of America stipulates that the form of government of the U.S.A was to be a “republican” form. Article IV states that “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” Republican as in principles, not a political party.

Republican forms of government are those where the people choose representatives from among themselves to make decisions for the whole. Something like Moses did [2]. In America, we have a form of Republicanism that is called a “Constitutional Republic.” That’s because the people we elect cannot just do whatever they want, they are under the Constitution of the United States. They are “under the law.”

Democracy, on the other hand, is selfish and in all of known history has never lasted. It always ends in destruction.

Our Founding Fathers knew democracy, defined as 50% plus 1, was a one way path to extinction of a people and a country. Here are some notable quotes:

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.- John Adams


A simple democracy is the devil’s own government.- Benjamin Rush


Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.- James Madison


If we incline too much to democracy, we shall soon shoot into a monarchy.- Alexander Hamilton

Even Plato was cognisant of the snares of democracy observing that when an excess of anything occurs, nature seems to act in an opposite way.

…And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy.- Plato

Alexis de Tocqueville observed that a country that does not have most of the people sitting in churches where preacher’s “pulpits flame with righteousness” then that country would cease to be great.

Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.- Alexis de Tocqueville

Tocqueville also noted that that people who cease to be good, will listen to politician promises and bankrupt their children.

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.- Alexis de Tocqueville

There is another quote, similar in sentiment, that is usually misattributed to Tocqueville, by Elmer T. Peterson in The Daily Oklahoman (9 December 1951) [3]:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.Elmer T. Peterson

The Fairness Project is Using Democracy to Outflank Our Republic

California’s been doing it for years. Proposition A, B…, pick your letter of the alphabet, outflanking the republican form of government. A republic votes representatives to office who make decisions for the people at large and in the name and power of the people (who received that power from nature’s God.) But, the elected representatives in California (and other states) have figured out another way to evade responsiblity: pass it back to the voters.

Now, it appears, Missouri’s elected officials, who should be making the hard calls, have “joined the party” and “passed the buck.” Abrogating their obligations to Missouri citizens.

The Fairness Project is using this abomination in our states to ram through destructive policies that are going to bankrupt individual states and our country, but they don’t care. They don’t care about our posterity (children) who will be enslaved to debt beyond imagination. They only care about getting donations to pay for their salaries and perks while Rome burns.

What’s The Bottom Line?

The way they sell voters on this shell game is to promise “benefits” that are “free” and won’t cost a dime or a discounted fee for “free healthcare.” The states sign on and get money for the first few years from the federal coffers but then the cash infusion is cut off and the states will be left holding the proverbial “bag.” That means taxes will increase and, guess what? Everything will cost more. Thanks, you selfish baby boomers. Keep spending your children’s inheritance.

Its a sin to borrow what you don’t intend to pay back. We keep robbing Peter to pay Paul and now we want a slice. We have been enslaving our children and children’s children into debt. With all the talk of slavery in the past, it is a shame to enslave our children in the future.

Remember, when the government pays for things, it gets to tell you what to do. Euthenasia is a thing. The generation that stood by and let abortion happen is getting old and maybe obsolete. Just sayin’.

Americans who borrow with intentions of never paying back are the antithesis of “good” and if Missourians pass this amendment, Missouri will cease to be “great.”

Here is what the amendment says:

Do you want to amend the Missouri Constitution to: adopt Medicaid Expansion for persons 19 to 64 years old with an income level at or below 133% of the federal poverty level, as set forth in the Affordable Care Act; prohibit placing greater or additional burdens on eligibility or enrollment standards, methodologies or practices on persons covered under Medicaid Expansion than on any other population eligible for Medicaid; and require state agencies to take all actions necessary to maximize federal financial participation in funding medical assistance under Medicaid Expansion? State government entities are estimated to have one-time costs of approximately $6.4 million and an unknown annual net fiscal impact by 2026 ranging from increased costs of at least $200 million to savings of $1 billion. Local governments expect costs to decrease by an unknown amount [4].


  1. ^The Fairness Project – Ballotpedia. (2020, July 10). Retrieved from (go back  ↩)
  2. ^Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 18:23-25 – New Living Translation. (2020, July 10). Retrieved from (go back  ↩)
  3. ^Where does this idea that ‘in a democracy people vote themselves benefits’ come from, given the last quarter century of US history? – Quora. (2020, July 10). Retrieved from (go back  ↩)
  4. ^Missouri Secretary Of State– IT, M. S. (2020, July 10). 2020 Ballot Measures. Retrieved from (go back  ↩)


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