Meet 153rd Representative District Republican Candidate Vinnie Clubb

Vinnie Clubb, running for the 153rd state representative district, with his family.

Vinnie Clubb, running for the 153rd state representative district, with his family.

Local Realtor Vinnie Clubb has launched his campaign to replace Rep. Darrell Atchison, who has announced he will not be seeking reelection. The 153rd district includes territory in the counties of Carter, Howell, Oregon, Ripley, Shannon, and Wayne. A conservative, Clubb will appear on the Republican primary ballot in August 2024.

I am grateful to Rep. Atchison for his work in the state house,” stated Clubb. “Now, it is more vital than ever before to keep this seat firmly under the guidance of an unapologetically Christian conservative representative. I vow to be a voice for our region’s rural values and never back down to the radical left.”


Serving as the new Vice President for the Piedmont Area Chamber of Commerce, Clubb, a Christian conservative, vowed to be a true voice of the constituents of a district where businesses continue to close their doors and leave behind a wake of empty buildings. He pledged to labor with local leaders to help keep existing businesses from leaving and strive to attract new commerce to the area. Clubb

Our district is at a crossroads and it is going to take an entire team effort to ensure its
preservation and growth. The decisions made in the next 2 to 8 years will play a pivotal role in the future
of our district. I truly believe that our brightest days are still before us.

As a Life Member of the NRA, Clubb is a firm believer that the Second Amendment is a necessary and vital cornerstone of our society. He supports the pro-life movement and believes in securing protections for the unborn beginning at conception. Clubb also serves as the Farm-Pac Chairman for the Wayne County Farm Bureau Board and understands the importance of the 88.4 billion dollars that agriculture contributes to Missouri’s economy each year.

Clubb, a Republican Committeeman for Wayne County, has been heavily involved in campaigns and conservative issues over the past two decades. He has assisted in the campaigns of U.S. Senators Kit Bond and Roy Blunt, Missouri Senator Rob Mayer, Missouri Representatives Rod Jetton, Shelley Keeney Taylor, and Paul Fitzwater.

Current Status

Vinnie lives in Wayne County with his wife, Rebekah, and his two daughters, Aubrey and Savannah. He graduated from Clearwater High and Three Rivers College and holds a Master’s Degree in Theology from Berean Bible College. He is currently employed with Henry Schein Veterinary Solutions, previously McAllister Software Systems, where he has served in various capacities for the past 18 years. He and his family faithfully attend Victory Baptist Temple in Piedmont, Missouri.

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