Representative Smith Votes On More Legislation

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This past week, Representative Smith from the 8th District has voted on a few bills to counter the largeness of government. While keeping the debt ceiling in mind, other business is going forward.

H.R. 159

This house bill reforms the government’s hiring process with a focus on skills-based assessments – rather than simply requiring a degree, which locks many capable Americans out of the job market. Representative Smith voted Yes. Bill passed.

H.R. 300

 This bill requires the Director of OMB to establish and maintain a public, searchable database. This public database is for agencies to upload information on settlement agreements entered into as a party to a lawsuit. Incidentally, the OMB is the Office of Management and Budget [1] which oversees the President’s vision for our country.

H.R. 21

This bill aims at protecting the Strategic Petroleum Reserve by preventing further drawdowns of reserves for non-emergency situations without a plan to increase domestic energy production. This is a simple first step in returning the United States to being an energy-independent nation. 

You can keep abreast of Representative Smith’s votes and stands on issues by visiting his website here.



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